Monday, 25 May 2009

Run to the Sun

This year, it has actually been a run to some sun! Great weather, a real mix of vehicles - made for a good day out!

Even better when you catch up with friends - not seen Colin and Elizabeth for a while, but they've been busy, with help from Dennis Terry, they've got the 'Drugs bus' on the road, and it looks great! A pharmacy drugs delivery vehicle - original sign writing has been brought out really carefully by Elizabeth, and with its O.G. faded paint looks spot on!

Elizabeth also has, by complete contrast, a shiney black convertible beetle almost ready to hit the streets - really looking forward to seeing that one!!!

As always there were a few yanks and rods at the show and shine - with the usual good turn out from the Surf Coast Cruisers - despite the cornish salt air - these guys do a great job of keeping these cars looking good year after year!

been about a while, but this chevy still flicks many buttons!!! Especially on the rim front....

Some big ol' boys...


gotta love the buick style.....

cool car park ratter - in true RTTS style...

good times....

Wednesday, 20 May 2009


Shot Matt Keane's race car chassis in base and lacquer today...

After several tests, and changes in direction with the interior colour - must say, its come out looking ace... the colour is gonna look the shizzniss against the diamond green body!

Meanwhile, Mike and Glenda's westy interior is all getting fitted back in - gauges etc. all cleaned out, indicator stalk all getting the treatment too! Pop top shot in colour the other day too...


Monday, 18 May 2009

tubes, tubes, tubes

No tubes of the surfing variety this week unfortunately, but that means lots been goin down in the shop....

Back has come down to give it the look... steering box has been lifted too...

And in an attempt to get lower, Evil Ben has been butchering his bus - i think he's hoping for dry days, and some leathers too - at last, he's found a genuine excuse to wear some! Dirty boy...back in yer box!

Also in - Matt Keane's race car chassis fresh from blasting - in for prep and paint - the amount of tubing to prep is staggering!!!

Martins axle tubes also got some liquid black - sent off to a remote Scottish island now for fitting up...

till next time.........

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Rear end surgery...

Mike's westy getting some reconstruction, skim of filler and paint...

Mike and Glenda's westy is coming on well too - pop top now primed up and good to go with the wet flat and top coat....