Monday, 25 May 2009

Run to the Sun

This year, it has actually been a run to some sun! Great weather, a real mix of vehicles - made for a good day out!

Even better when you catch up with friends - not seen Colin and Elizabeth for a while, but they've been busy, with help from Dennis Terry, they've got the 'Drugs bus' on the road, and it looks great! A pharmacy drugs delivery vehicle - original sign writing has been brought out really carefully by Elizabeth, and with its O.G. faded paint looks spot on!

Elizabeth also has, by complete contrast, a shiney black convertible beetle almost ready to hit the streets - really looking forward to seeing that one!!!

As always there were a few yanks and rods at the show and shine - with the usual good turn out from the Surf Coast Cruisers - despite the cornish salt air - these guys do a great job of keeping these cars looking good year after year!

been about a while, but this chevy still flicks many buttons!!! Especially on the rim front....

Some big ol' boys...


gotta love the buick style.....

cool car park ratter - in true RTTS style...

good times....

1 comment:

Rebecca Gellars said...

This is a ggreat post